Qatar Green Leaders (QGL) is a Green Building Design Management & Training Company dedicated to helping its clients certify their high performance buildings under LEED Rating Systems & GSAS Schemes.

A Successful Company must feel like Home, & the Spirit of One Family inside a home makes it Happy. Responsibility towards the family makes every one passionate to what is being done & committed to meet its deadlines.

We are so proud and happy to be recognized for Sustainability Excellence, we renew our commitment & dedication to our current & future clients. We just need to Thank you  for being part of our SUCCESS!

Quick Information

Company Full Name:
Qatar Green Leaders W.L.L
Company Type:
Privately Owned.
Limited Liabilities Company
Registered Activities:
Project Management Firm.
CR Number:
 USGBC Membership:
Member ID #4208056496151931 
GORD Registration:

No. SP0172 (Scheme-I Building Typology License & Scheme-IV Healthcare)

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